Here's my take on Black:
Acolyte of Xathrid - Black is focused on the opponent losing life. Acolyte of Xathrid is a semi-usable card in Limited yet brings about what black is. This card should be back.
Assassinate - a needed spell in Black. Even though that it's a reprint from past sets, it can't be compared to any other recent card. This should also be back.
Black Knight - if I say that White Knight won't be back, then there's a chance that Black Knight wouln't be also. These 2 cards are brothers.
Bog Wraith - a usable utility creature that showcases the Swampwalk ability. It should be a candidate for a non-return. The landwalk ability seems to be clunky in my opinion. Besides, Wizards can always create a new card out of a reprint just like Bog Wraith.
Cemetery Reaper, Child of Night - Cemetery Reaper showcases the Zombies while Child of Night is a Vampire. Both are new cards. Cemetery Reaper, for one, is the new lord for the Zombies. Child of Night is a harmless new card that should also return.
Consume Spirit - if Wizards would want to get away from encouraging mono colored decks, then omitting Consume Spirit is the way to go. But then, reprinting this card wouldn't hurt much. It has seen some use in Black decks. This should be back.
Deathmark - just like Celestial Purge and Flashfreeze. I expect this card to be back.
Diabolic Tutor - I think it's high time for Wizards to introduce a new tutor spell for black. As much as I would want to say that this card should not be back considering that it's not that used, I still think that it is designed just right. So, I'll opt for saying good bye to Diabolic Tutor. Wizards, please give us a new tutor spell!
Disentomb, Doom Blade, Dread Warlock - 3 new cards that should be back. Specific explanation for each card: Disentomb showcases black's ability to return creatures from the graveyard. At the common slot, Disentomb returns the card to hand and not into the battlefield. Doom Blade is a functional reprint of Terror and seems to be the token creature removal spell at 1B. Dread Warlock showcases black's evasion ability. Of the 3, I would speculate that Dread Warlock would not return if Wizards will push with the Intidimated ability. Given that Intimidate appears only in Black and Red, it's not an ability that should be given a keyword.
Drudge Skeletons - won't be back. I'm cheating a bit here since I saw the previewed skeleton at the same casting cost.
Duress - a useful black card that should return without any problems.
Gravedigger - same as Diabolic Tutor. I'll go out on a limb to say that this card will not be reprinted.
Haunting Echoes - it got printed in a Core Set for the first time. It's got a great ability for a rare card. It shouldn't hurt for the card to be back.
Howling Banshee - same as Haunting Echoes. It should be back.
Hypnotic Specter - I remember how players reacted to its return in 9th Ed. But then, without Dark Ritual, it seems too overmatched by other cards for Black. I believe a new card is in order.
Kelinore Bat - should be back simply because it's a new card.
Liliana Vess - There are only 2 black planeswalkers ever printed. Vess is one while Sorin Markov appeared in Zendikar. This is an easy argument considering Markov will still be legal after M11 is released. Vess will be back.
Looming Shade - I would like to dare Wizards to print a new Shade-type creature that is worthwhile. Looming Shade is not that worthwhile anymore, in my opinion. Candidate for non return.
Megrim - Wizards needs to show an interaction between discarding cards and getting damage from it. Megrim will be back.
Mind Rot - yet another utility discard spell for black. This should be back.
Mind Shatter - ditto on Mind Shatter. With Mind Spring possibly coming back, Mind Shatter is the perfect complement.
Nightmare - never used in Constructed. Time to ditch this card.
Relentless Rats - after 10th Ed and M10, I still haven't collected as much Relentless Rats as I would have wanted. It used to intriguing but now I just find it plain annoying. Time to ditch this card.
Rise From the Grave - a better Zombify-type spell. Plus, it's got a really cool card name. I'd say it will be back.
Royal Assassin - never hurts for this card to be back although I'd say that it's not that used anymore. Still, it seems to be the requisite rare creature kill in a Core Set.
Sanguine Bond - a sort of a useless spell except that it got featured in the Open the Vaults combo deck. I find it annoying that it had to be in the rare slot. Still, if Wizards needs to put an annoying rare for each color, this is it for black.
Sign in Blood - new card, great design, nice ability. Ingredients for it to be back. See, black can draw cards (just like blue) but it has to have a drawback. This is it for black.
Soul Bleed - whoever designs this type of cards is an annoying person. I'd say that it's a candidate not to be back but since it's a new card, I'd count it in.
Tendrils of Corruption - I was surprised to see this card get reprinted considering Consume Spirit was also reprinted. In any case, this shows an interaction between having a lot of Swamps and killing creatures. I say it will be back.
Underworld Dreams - used to be a useful card but time has come for it to be replaced by a newer and possibly spiffier spell.
Unholy Strength - possibly one of the better Auras in the set. It's a utility spell so I say it's coming back.
Vampire Aristocrat - a functional reprint of an old card. I'll say that it will be back.
Vampire Nocturnus - still continuing with the Vampire theme in the Core Set. This should be back.
Wall of Bone - I will speculate that M11 will get rid of the clunky regenerate ability. Thus, a new wall will be printed for black. One that should have a cool ability.
Warpath Ghoul - boring new Zombie filler. It will be back.
Weakness - I'll speculate that Disfigure will be printed instead of Weakness. That's just me.
Xathrid Demon, Zombie Goliath - new cards that should be back.
On my count, 11 cards that are not coming back. Nice number once more.
I don't have any idea if certain cards for black will be reprinted from previous expansions.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
M11 Possible Reprints and Omission (Blue)
Continuing my speculation on M11 possible reprints and omissions. This time, it's Blue.
Air Elemental - this simple card is now a staple just like what Serra Angel is to white. I had the sudden realization that Serra Angel might get removed and if so, Air Elemental could also be on the way out. Considering how I maintain that Serra Angel will be back, I put my trust on Air Elemental to be there also.
Alluring Siren - the puzzling Alluring Siren has an ability unexpected of Blue. If I'm a new player, I would ask myself why I would let his creatures attack me. That kind of explanation is sometimes hard to do. I would say that this creature is going out.
Cancel - the casting cost for a counter spell without any drawbacks or added bonuses is now at 1UU. Deprive from ROE is UU but with a drawback. There are rumors that Mana Leak might get reprinted in M11. Frankly, I think Negate and/or Essence Scatter would suffer from a Mana Leak reprinting (same casting cost for almost the same effect). Cancel continues to be efficient and Wizards would love to illustrate countering of spells in a Core Set.
Clone - this is another beautifully designed card showcasing Blue's ability to copy creatures. Considering that this is a reprint and is not used much in Constructed, I'd say it's a candidate for not returning. I expect a better Clone-like card in M11.
Convincing Mirage - showed up in some decks attempting to solve the Jund puzzle. With Jund about to rotate out and this card being a new card in M10, I expect it to be back.
Coral Merfolk - Blue's version of the bear. It should be back.
Disorient - somehow, Wizards like 7. Here, we see a -7/-0 ability which is somewhat exclusive only to Blue. Once again, it clearly shows how Blue is the color that tries to temporarily remove the power of a creature while not killing it via the spell. This card should be back.
Divination - a functional reprint of Counsel of Soratami. Counsel of Soratami boasts text from Champions of Kamigawa which is utterly foreign. I will assume that Divination is here to stay for years (and sets) to come.
Djinn of Wishes - here is another beautifully designed card that one can't stop and be amused over its design. Typical of Wizards to print a card like this which is not expected to see play in Constructed. It's a bomb in Limited though which is good enough for it to come back.
Essence Scatter - from my argument with Cancel regarding Mana Leak, I'd expect Essence Scatter to follow Negate into the not reprinted zone. Mana Leak costs the same as both Essence Scatter and Negate. By reprinting Mana Leak (and thus removing both Essence Scatter and Negate), it gives Wizards 1 slot while saving up with what Mana Leak can do. Mana Leak is still an appropriate counter spell - low cost but with a drawback. With that, it should be bye-bye Essence Scatter.
Fabricate - with Scars of Mirrodin (and the expected artifact theme) coming, I expect more artifact-specific cards to come. Fabricate is the odd card out.
Flashfreeze - same reasoning as Celestial Purge in white, Flashfreeze should return as Blue's way of showing hate to enemy colors.
Hive Mind - does anybody even use Hive Mind? I don't think so, even in Limited. I'd say that this card will be out.
Horned Turtle - this card illustrates how Blue likes to have turtles - small powered creatures but with big butts (I mean, toughness). Horned Turtle stays.
Ice Cage - a new card in M10. It provides pseudo creature removal in M10 Limited. It should be back.
Illusionary Servant - another new card in M10. I'm not sure if it's a functional reprint but I know the ability has existed in other colors. It wouldn't hurt much if it would be back.
Jace Beleren - here's where the debate should start. I've already speculated that Ajani Goldmane will be back for white simply because it's the simpler planeswalker compared to Elspeth, Knight-Errant. There are only two other choices: Jace 1.0 and Tezzeret the Seeker. Tezzeret enters into the debate since I saw the preview for the Scars of Mirrodin novel. Tezzeret could be a candidate for M11 reprint. Or not since it could be printed in SOM. I just think that it is too much that there are 2 versions of Jace planeswalker in Standard (well, when Sarkhan the Mad was released, that entailed into 2 versions of Sarkhan also). In any case, I will lean on the original Jace Beleren to be reprinted because I've seen him in some of the card art. Another reason is that it's a cheap answer to Jace the Mind Sculptor (this last reason is totally baseless but I like it).
Jump - Jump got back after being missing since 4th Edition. I wish it wouldn't return but since it's a card that simple enough to explain and provides sufficient flavor to the color, I think this card will be back.
Levitation - another wonderful Limited bomb. It's a candidate to be omitted. It wouldn't hurt for the card to be back but something has got to be omitted.
Merfolk Looter - this card shows the ability of blue to draw cards while having the drawback of discarding one afterwards. There will always be Looter type creatures in a set. Merfolk Looter does the job quite well.
Merfolk Sovereign, Mind Control - new cards based from older versions. They should be back.
Mind Spring - intriguing card. Just recently reprinted from Morningtide. It has seen action with Blue-White decks. At the rare slot, it doesn't hurt to have it back considering it showcases what blue does also - drawing cards. I'll say it will be back.
Negate - read Essence Scatter.
Phantom Warrior - this card seems to survive. Again, it showcases blue's evasion ability aside from flying. I'll say that it will be back.
Polymorph - I'm a Polymorph fan. But sadly, I don't think I'll see this card back. Wizards would want the Eldrazi creatures to be played the way they should be played and not with a shortcut card like Polymorph. With that, it's time to lay Polymorph to rest (and effectively killing one particular deck in Standard).
Ponder - should be back. Sleight of Hand is the next best thing but Ponder is better.
Sage Owl - this should be a candidate of not coming back.
Serpent of the Endless Sea, Sleep - two new cards in M10. Serpent of the Endless Sea does not see much play but it's a nicely designed card along with Sleep. They should both be back.
Snapping Drake - there is one other drake in M10. This is a great utility card in Limited but considering that it's a reprint, I would assume that this card will be replaced by a new flying creature.
Sphinx Ambassador - this card is almost like Djinn of Wishes. It does wonderful things yet it remains unused in Standard. With a focus on Limited, I think this card will be back.
Telepathy - out with this card already!
Time Warp - quite a long time for Time Warp to be reprinted again. It's the mythic ability for blue and I don't see why it shouldn't be reprinted.
Tome Scour - newly made. It should be back. It will most probably be the only mill effect in the set.
Traumatize - I will speculate that it is time for Traumatize to go. Tome Scour is still much better in terms of rarity.
Twincast - a wonderful card for Blue. I think it will be back.
Unsummon - we will not see Boomerang anymore. As such, Unsummon becomes the token creature returner in the set. It should get reprinted.
Wall of Frost - the wall in the color. Pretty nicely designed. It should be back also.
Wind Drake - same discussion with the other drake, this would probably be removed in favor of another type of drake.
Zephyr Sprite - back.
One thing I've noticed with the blue cards is that some of the creatures are the usual creatures that Jace Beleren summons (the sphinx, the drake, and the sprite). I'm halfway to Agents of Artifice and if I haven't been reading the book, I wouldn't be able to get into a debate on whether certain cards (or creatures) get in or not. Anyway, I'm sure that Wizards can concoct a different story for Jace.
Around 11 cards from blue that I speculate wouldn't return. Not bad considering I almost have the same number from white.
Unfortunately, my mind is not that open towards what new cards would be reprinted for blue.
Air Elemental - this simple card is now a staple just like what Serra Angel is to white. I had the sudden realization that Serra Angel might get removed and if so, Air Elemental could also be on the way out. Considering how I maintain that Serra Angel will be back, I put my trust on Air Elemental to be there also.
Alluring Siren - the puzzling Alluring Siren has an ability unexpected of Blue. If I'm a new player, I would ask myself why I would let his creatures attack me. That kind of explanation is sometimes hard to do. I would say that this creature is going out.
Cancel - the casting cost for a counter spell without any drawbacks or added bonuses is now at 1UU. Deprive from ROE is UU but with a drawback. There are rumors that Mana Leak might get reprinted in M11. Frankly, I think Negate and/or Essence Scatter would suffer from a Mana Leak reprinting (same casting cost for almost the same effect). Cancel continues to be efficient and Wizards would love to illustrate countering of spells in a Core Set.
Clone - this is another beautifully designed card showcasing Blue's ability to copy creatures. Considering that this is a reprint and is not used much in Constructed, I'd say it's a candidate for not returning. I expect a better Clone-like card in M11.
Convincing Mirage - showed up in some decks attempting to solve the Jund puzzle. With Jund about to rotate out and this card being a new card in M10, I expect it to be back.
Coral Merfolk - Blue's version of the bear. It should be back.
Disorient - somehow, Wizards like 7. Here, we see a -7/-0 ability which is somewhat exclusive only to Blue. Once again, it clearly shows how Blue is the color that tries to temporarily remove the power of a creature while not killing it via the spell. This card should be back.
Divination - a functional reprint of Counsel of Soratami. Counsel of Soratami boasts text from Champions of Kamigawa which is utterly foreign. I will assume that Divination is here to stay for years (and sets) to come.
Djinn of Wishes - here is another beautifully designed card that one can't stop and be amused over its design. Typical of Wizards to print a card like this which is not expected to see play in Constructed. It's a bomb in Limited though which is good enough for it to come back.
Essence Scatter - from my argument with Cancel regarding Mana Leak, I'd expect Essence Scatter to follow Negate into the not reprinted zone. Mana Leak costs the same as both Essence Scatter and Negate. By reprinting Mana Leak (and thus removing both Essence Scatter and Negate), it gives Wizards 1 slot while saving up with what Mana Leak can do. Mana Leak is still an appropriate counter spell - low cost but with a drawback. With that, it should be bye-bye Essence Scatter.
Fabricate - with Scars of Mirrodin (and the expected artifact theme) coming, I expect more artifact-specific cards to come. Fabricate is the odd card out.
Flashfreeze - same reasoning as Celestial Purge in white, Flashfreeze should return as Blue's way of showing hate to enemy colors.
Hive Mind - does anybody even use Hive Mind? I don't think so, even in Limited. I'd say that this card will be out.
Horned Turtle - this card illustrates how Blue likes to have turtles - small powered creatures but with big butts (I mean, toughness). Horned Turtle stays.
Ice Cage - a new card in M10. It provides pseudo creature removal in M10 Limited. It should be back.
Illusionary Servant - another new card in M10. I'm not sure if it's a functional reprint but I know the ability has existed in other colors. It wouldn't hurt much if it would be back.
Jace Beleren - here's where the debate should start. I've already speculated that Ajani Goldmane will be back for white simply because it's the simpler planeswalker compared to Elspeth, Knight-Errant. There are only two other choices: Jace 1.0 and Tezzeret the Seeker. Tezzeret enters into the debate since I saw the preview for the Scars of Mirrodin novel. Tezzeret could be a candidate for M11 reprint. Or not since it could be printed in SOM. I just think that it is too much that there are 2 versions of Jace planeswalker in Standard (well, when Sarkhan the Mad was released, that entailed into 2 versions of Sarkhan also). In any case, I will lean on the original Jace Beleren to be reprinted because I've seen him in some of the card art. Another reason is that it's a cheap answer to Jace the Mind Sculptor (this last reason is totally baseless but I like it).
Jump - Jump got back after being missing since 4th Edition. I wish it wouldn't return but since it's a card that simple enough to explain and provides sufficient flavor to the color, I think this card will be back.
Levitation - another wonderful Limited bomb. It's a candidate to be omitted. It wouldn't hurt for the card to be back but something has got to be omitted.
Merfolk Looter - this card shows the ability of blue to draw cards while having the drawback of discarding one afterwards. There will always be Looter type creatures in a set. Merfolk Looter does the job quite well.
Merfolk Sovereign, Mind Control - new cards based from older versions. They should be back.
Mind Spring - intriguing card. Just recently reprinted from Morningtide. It has seen action with Blue-White decks. At the rare slot, it doesn't hurt to have it back considering it showcases what blue does also - drawing cards. I'll say it will be back.
Negate - read Essence Scatter.
Phantom Warrior - this card seems to survive. Again, it showcases blue's evasion ability aside from flying. I'll say that it will be back.
Polymorph - I'm a Polymorph fan. But sadly, I don't think I'll see this card back. Wizards would want the Eldrazi creatures to be played the way they should be played and not with a shortcut card like Polymorph. With that, it's time to lay Polymorph to rest (and effectively killing one particular deck in Standard).
Ponder - should be back. Sleight of Hand is the next best thing but Ponder is better.
Sage Owl - this should be a candidate of not coming back.
Serpent of the Endless Sea, Sleep - two new cards in M10. Serpent of the Endless Sea does not see much play but it's a nicely designed card along with Sleep. They should both be back.
Snapping Drake - there is one other drake in M10. This is a great utility card in Limited but considering that it's a reprint, I would assume that this card will be replaced by a new flying creature.
Sphinx Ambassador - this card is almost like Djinn of Wishes. It does wonderful things yet it remains unused in Standard. With a focus on Limited, I think this card will be back.
Telepathy - out with this card already!
Time Warp - quite a long time for Time Warp to be reprinted again. It's the mythic ability for blue and I don't see why it shouldn't be reprinted.
Tome Scour - newly made. It should be back. It will most probably be the only mill effect in the set.
Traumatize - I will speculate that it is time for Traumatize to go. Tome Scour is still much better in terms of rarity.
Twincast - a wonderful card for Blue. I think it will be back.
Unsummon - we will not see Boomerang anymore. As such, Unsummon becomes the token creature returner in the set. It should get reprinted.
Wall of Frost - the wall in the color. Pretty nicely designed. It should be back also.
Wind Drake - same discussion with the other drake, this would probably be removed in favor of another type of drake.
Zephyr Sprite - back.
One thing I've noticed with the blue cards is that some of the creatures are the usual creatures that Jace Beleren summons (the sphinx, the drake, and the sprite). I'm halfway to Agents of Artifice and if I haven't been reading the book, I wouldn't be able to get into a debate on whether certain cards (or creatures) get in or not. Anyway, I'm sure that Wizards can concoct a different story for Jace.
Around 11 cards from blue that I speculate wouldn't return. Not bad considering I almost have the same number from white.
Unfortunately, my mind is not that open towards what new cards would be reprinted for blue.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
M11 possible reprints and omission (White)
M11 edition is coming this July. It's never too early to start speculating on what card will get reprinted and will be removed from the Core Set. As such, it is expected that half of the cards will be reprints and half will be brand new cards. This post is an attempt to look at what is expected to be reprinted (from past sets and from M10) and what will be omitted from M10.
The evaluation will look at the card as to how it affects the metagame and also in limited. A useless card (bound to be undrafted in limited and useless in constructed) is expected to be replaced. There are other considerations to be looked upon. For one, if the card is a utility card, it is expected to be reprinted as no expected improvement will make it better. Also, changes towards creature type (the creature type fix) is expected to stay from hereon forward.
Each card will be evaluated as needed.
I start off with the white cards:
Ajani Goldmane - Ajani Goldmane is the simplest of all the white Planeswalkers ever printed. The two other (pure) white Planeswalkers are Elspeth, Knight Errant and Gideon Jura. In my opinion, the two other planeswalkers are too complicated for a beginner just learning how to use the Planeswalkers in a deck. And it is highly unlikely that Wizards would create a new Planeswalker for the Core Set. Thus, it is concrete that Ajani Goldmane is here to stay for M11.
Angel's Mercy - a new card in M10, it has a huge chance of coming back. From a design standpoint, Angel's Mercy embodies what the color white is supposed to be, gaining life (well, not necessarily at instant speed). This card has a chance of coming back simply because it's a new card. In limited, I wouldn't want to play it. I haven't seen it in Standard Constructed ever. So, the verdict is that this card is out.
Armored Ascension - this is a beautifully designed card. It looks at the number of Plains in play and gets better with more Plains in play. But it's not that played in Standard Constructed. Considering that it's a reprint from Shadowmoor, I'd say that this card is on its way out.
Baneslayer Angel - the boon of all non-white players in Standard. This mythic rare jumped to an exorbitant price. Few found the Protection from Dragons and Demons to be a joke. There are two arguments to look at regarding Baneslayer Angel: 1.) would Wizards be concerned regarding the distribution of this card and if so, would they care of its price? and 2.) would the inclusion of Baneslayer Angel in M11 make future Standard Constructed tournaments stagnant? I would think that Wizards wouldn't want their fans to go angry over the one year stay of the expensive Baneslayer Angel. Thus, it's here to stay for 1 more year.
Blinding Mage - this is an update from Master Decoy, who was probably a Human Soldier rather than a Human Wizard. A functional reprint, I expect this card to be back.
Captain of the Watch - this is another beautifully designed card. At the rare slot, it's meant to be with all the plus it brings to the table yet for Soldiers only. If Wizards would maintain the Soldiers theme for M11, I'd expect this card to be reprinted.
Celestial Purge - a card that was newly printed during Conflux, it was a surprise to see this reprinted for M10. It is a functionally efficient card and efficiently shows that White is not friendly with Black or Red. I expect this card to be reprinted. It does things just right.
Divine Verdict - a functional reprint of Neck Snap from Lorwyn. Neck Snap sounds too violent. Divine Verdict provides the right name for the right card. Should come back in M11.
Elite Vanguard - another functional reprint. This is supposed to be Savannah Lions. It encourages the Soldier theme from M10. It should be back without any problems.
Excommunicate - another surprise reprint from Shards of Alara. This could well be removed in favor of a more efficient creature removal spell (I'm referring to Path to Exile). Still, it wouldn't be too much to ask if this card gets reprinted. But having too many creature removal in a set would hurt its (over) performance in limited. Thus, either Excommunicate comes back or Path to Exile will be reprinted.
Glorious Charge - a not-so-boring card. It's another new card so I'd expect it to be back.
Griffin Sentinel, Guardian Seraph, Harm's Way - these are cards that wouldn't hurt to be reprinted.
Holy Strength - always a favorite. I expect it to be back.
Honor of the Pure - a more restricted Glorious Anthem. It is beautifully designed to affect only white creatures. I expect it to be back.
Indestructibility, Lifelink - these are typical new cards that got printed to help remove rules clutter. Indestructibility illustrates the indestructible ability (which, in my opinion, can easily be removed from the set). Lifelink does exactly the same thing. Again, I expect these two cards to return.
Lightweilder Paladin - a non-used card in Constructed. If there should be a candidate for not returning, I'd say that this is one of those cards.
Mesa Enchantress - a card that bodes plenty of interaction among enchantments. With the existence of (almost) the same card in ROE, I'd expect this card to not return.
Open the Vaults - a Timmy card. One that inspired a good combo deck. Time will tell whether this card would be as powerful once Scars of Mirrodin is released. Considering that SOM is assumed to be an artifact set, I'll say goodbye to Open the Vaults.
Pacifism - an efficient pseudo creature removal spell. Unless Oblivion Ring gets reprinted, I expect Pacifism to be back.
Palace Guard - it wouldn't hurt for this card to be back.
Planar Cleansing - here's where wonderful debate can be started. Wrath of God was removed in favor of printing this card. It has never seen the light of day in most Constructed decks. It's too costly at 6 converted mana cost. That said, I expect Day of Judgment to be reprinted in M11. You read it here first.
Razorfoot Griffin - reprinted from past sets = candidate to be not reprinted.
Rhox Pikemaster - a non-used card but it should enhance the Soldiers theme of M11. I expect it to be back.
Righteousness - it's been around. In limited, it's a fun card to have. It should be back.
Safe Passage - a new card. It's safe to say that it will be back as the token damage prevention spell in the set.
Serra Angel - will it or will it not return? I believe Serra Angel is the staple white creature. It will be back.
Siege Mastodon - token big toughness creature that embodies what white creatures should be. It should be back unless Wizards decides to print that 1/5 lifelink creature from Zendikar.
Silence - somewhat a useless rare. It would have been a good card at the uncommon slot. I haven't seen it in Constructed play. I expect it to be scrapped.
Silvercoat Lion - white's bear. It should be back.
Solemn Offering - it seems that Wizards is drifting away from allowing white to easily destroy artifacts and enchantments (that's green's job now). No other recent card does the same thing. I expect this card to be back.
Soul Warden - sigh... More life gain effects for white. This should be back.
Stormfront Pegasus - token flying creature at 2 mana. Back.
Tempest of Light - why attempt to destroy all enchantments when enchantments have never been dangerous. Candidate for non-reprint.
Undead Slayer - if Wizards wants to show that white hates Skeletons, Zombies, and Vampires, they'll reprint this card.
Veteran Armorsmith, Veteran Swordsmith - again with the Soldiers theme. They should be back.
Wall of Faith - the only wall in the set. It should be back despite that Rise of Eldrazi had the Defender subtheme.
White Knight - this card was reprinted to add expectations to the set. With its non use in Constructed decks, I expect it not to return.
I say, 10 cards that could be on its way out. Not a bad number considering that half of M11 will be new.
As for reprints, these are my speculations:
Path to Exile - it's not mere coincidence that that new wording for Removed from the Game is Exile. The word comes from Path to Exile. In the tradition of Swords to Plowshares and other white removal with drawback spells, Path to Exile is just right for white. If PtE is not going to be reprinted, I expect a more costly version but without the drawback.
Day of Judgment - as mentioned in the Planar Cleansing entry, Day of Judgment could be reprinted. I say so, simply because it's a functional reprint of Wrath of God. With the removal of the text, "They can't be regenerated," it helps explain the game better. Day of Judgment is a simple card. And considering that Wizards would want to sell the set, they'd do great in reprinting this card.
M11 edition is coming this July. It's never too early to start speculating on what card will get reprinted and will be removed from the Core Set. As such, it is expected that half of the cards will be reprints and half will be brand new cards. This post is an attempt to look at what is expected to be reprinted (from past sets and from M10) and what will be omitted from M10.
The evaluation will look at the card as to how it affects the metagame and also in limited. A useless card (bound to be undrafted in limited and useless in constructed) is expected to be replaced. There are other considerations to be looked upon. For one, if the card is a utility card, it is expected to be reprinted as no expected improvement will make it better. Also, changes towards creature type (the creature type fix) is expected to stay from hereon forward.
Each card will be evaluated as needed.
I start off with the white cards:
Ajani Goldmane - Ajani Goldmane is the simplest of all the white Planeswalkers ever printed. The two other (pure) white Planeswalkers are Elspeth, Knight Errant and Gideon Jura. In my opinion, the two other planeswalkers are too complicated for a beginner just learning how to use the Planeswalkers in a deck. And it is highly unlikely that Wizards would create a new Planeswalker for the Core Set. Thus, it is concrete that Ajani Goldmane is here to stay for M11.
Angel's Mercy - a new card in M10, it has a huge chance of coming back. From a design standpoint, Angel's Mercy embodies what the color white is supposed to be, gaining life (well, not necessarily at instant speed). This card has a chance of coming back simply because it's a new card. In limited, I wouldn't want to play it. I haven't seen it in Standard Constructed ever. So, the verdict is that this card is out.
Armored Ascension - this is a beautifully designed card. It looks at the number of Plains in play and gets better with more Plains in play. But it's not that played in Standard Constructed. Considering that it's a reprint from Shadowmoor, I'd say that this card is on its way out.
Baneslayer Angel - the boon of all non-white players in Standard. This mythic rare jumped to an exorbitant price. Few found the Protection from Dragons and Demons to be a joke. There are two arguments to look at regarding Baneslayer Angel: 1.) would Wizards be concerned regarding the distribution of this card and if so, would they care of its price? and 2.) would the inclusion of Baneslayer Angel in M11 make future Standard Constructed tournaments stagnant? I would think that Wizards wouldn't want their fans to go angry over the one year stay of the expensive Baneslayer Angel. Thus, it's here to stay for 1 more year.
Blinding Mage - this is an update from Master Decoy, who was probably a Human Soldier rather than a Human Wizard. A functional reprint, I expect this card to be back.
Captain of the Watch - this is another beautifully designed card. At the rare slot, it's meant to be with all the plus it brings to the table yet for Soldiers only. If Wizards would maintain the Soldiers theme for M11, I'd expect this card to be reprinted.
Celestial Purge - a card that was newly printed during Conflux, it was a surprise to see this reprinted for M10. It is a functionally efficient card and efficiently shows that White is not friendly with Black or Red. I expect this card to be reprinted. It does things just right.
Divine Verdict - a functional reprint of Neck Snap from Lorwyn. Neck Snap sounds too violent. Divine Verdict provides the right name for the right card. Should come back in M11.
Elite Vanguard - another functional reprint. This is supposed to be Savannah Lions. It encourages the Soldier theme from M10. It should be back without any problems.
Excommunicate - another surprise reprint from Shards of Alara. This could well be removed in favor of a more efficient creature removal spell (I'm referring to Path to Exile). Still, it wouldn't be too much to ask if this card gets reprinted. But having too many creature removal in a set would hurt its (over) performance in limited. Thus, either Excommunicate comes back or Path to Exile will be reprinted.
Glorious Charge - a not-so-boring card. It's another new card so I'd expect it to be back.
Griffin Sentinel, Guardian Seraph, Harm's Way - these are cards that wouldn't hurt to be reprinted.
Holy Strength - always a favorite. I expect it to be back.
Honor of the Pure - a more restricted Glorious Anthem. It is beautifully designed to affect only white creatures. I expect it to be back.
Indestructibility, Lifelink - these are typical new cards that got printed to help remove rules clutter. Indestructibility illustrates the indestructible ability (which, in my opinion, can easily be removed from the set). Lifelink does exactly the same thing. Again, I expect these two cards to return.
Lightweilder Paladin - a non-used card in Constructed. If there should be a candidate for not returning, I'd say that this is one of those cards.
Mesa Enchantress - a card that bodes plenty of interaction among enchantments. With the existence of (almost) the same card in ROE, I'd expect this card to not return.
Open the Vaults - a Timmy card. One that inspired a good combo deck. Time will tell whether this card would be as powerful once Scars of Mirrodin is released. Considering that SOM is assumed to be an artifact set, I'll say goodbye to Open the Vaults.
Pacifism - an efficient pseudo creature removal spell. Unless Oblivion Ring gets reprinted, I expect Pacifism to be back.
Palace Guard - it wouldn't hurt for this card to be back.
Planar Cleansing - here's where wonderful debate can be started. Wrath of God was removed in favor of printing this card. It has never seen the light of day in most Constructed decks. It's too costly at 6 converted mana cost. That said, I expect Day of Judgment to be reprinted in M11. You read it here first.
Razorfoot Griffin - reprinted from past sets = candidate to be not reprinted.
Rhox Pikemaster - a non-used card but it should enhance the Soldiers theme of M11. I expect it to be back.
Righteousness - it's been around. In limited, it's a fun card to have. It should be back.
Safe Passage - a new card. It's safe to say that it will be back as the token damage prevention spell in the set.
Serra Angel - will it or will it not return? I believe Serra Angel is the staple white creature. It will be back.
Siege Mastodon - token big toughness creature that embodies what white creatures should be. It should be back unless Wizards decides to print that 1/5 lifelink creature from Zendikar.
Silence - somewhat a useless rare. It would have been a good card at the uncommon slot. I haven't seen it in Constructed play. I expect it to be scrapped.
Silvercoat Lion - white's bear. It should be back.
Solemn Offering - it seems that Wizards is drifting away from allowing white to easily destroy artifacts and enchantments (that's green's job now). No other recent card does the same thing. I expect this card to be back.
Soul Warden - sigh... More life gain effects for white. This should be back.
Stormfront Pegasus - token flying creature at 2 mana. Back.
Tempest of Light - why attempt to destroy all enchantments when enchantments have never been dangerous. Candidate for non-reprint.
Undead Slayer - if Wizards wants to show that white hates Skeletons, Zombies, and Vampires, they'll reprint this card.
Veteran Armorsmith, Veteran Swordsmith - again with the Soldiers theme. They should be back.
Wall of Faith - the only wall in the set. It should be back despite that Rise of Eldrazi had the Defender subtheme.
White Knight - this card was reprinted to add expectations to the set. With its non use in Constructed decks, I expect it not to return.
I say, 10 cards that could be on its way out. Not a bad number considering that half of M11 will be new.
As for reprints, these are my speculations:
Path to Exile - it's not mere coincidence that that new wording for Removed from the Game is Exile. The word comes from Path to Exile. In the tradition of Swords to Plowshares and other white removal with drawback spells, Path to Exile is just right for white. If PtE is not going to be reprinted, I expect a more costly version but without the drawback.
Day of Judgment - as mentioned in the Planar Cleansing entry, Day of Judgment could be reprinted. I say so, simply because it's a functional reprint of Wrath of God. With the removal of the text, "They can't be regenerated," it helps explain the game better. Day of Judgment is a simple card. And considering that Wizards would want to sell the set, they'd do great in reprinting this card.
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